"The Discomfort of Evening" in April at the NOVÁ KOMEDIE Festival

The good fortune of Małgorzata Wdowik's performance continues. After an enthusiastic reception at the International Theatre Festival Divine Comedy in Krakow and winning two awards for best set design (Aleksandr Prowaliński and Jan Baszak) and for best supporting female role for Urszula Kuśnierz, this time we are heading to the Czech Republic for the NOVÁ KOMEDIE festival, which takes place at the Městská divadla pražská theater in Prague. We will present the play on April 11.


The NOVÁ KOMEDIE Festival is in its third edition and will take place from April 5 to 12. It will feature theater productions from Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, and Poland.


About the play:

The world, in which eternal winter and penetrating cold prevail, is full of magical thinking, spells, and prayers. We see it through the eyes of a little girl entering adolescence. She is both an observer of events, a narrator, and a creator of fantasies - she preserves the memory of a tragedy, deals with the feeling of guilt and responsibility for her parents, and struggles with the stings of emptiness.

Zdjęcie do spektaklu "Niepokój przychodzi o zmierzchu"

The Discomfort of Evening, photo by Natalia Kabanow