Other activities
Pantomime Studio
A legendary form of training for mime art apprentices - was founded by Henryk Tomaszewski in 1956 and gave rise to the Wrocław Pantomime Theater. Returning to the idea of the Pantomime Studio is not only reaching back to the origins but above all, a dialogue with our history and artistic identity. The educational program of the Studio is based on classes in movement technique and dynamics. However, we want to look at our technique from a broad perspective, enriching it with individual searches and authorial elements of the mime-actor's workshop from the WTP artistic team. The Pantomime Studio takes place in monthly weekend gatherings.
Theatre Lesson - Offer for organized groups, schools, and kindergartens
Our offer is directed to educational institutions at all levels of education. Theater lessons are activities that will enrich the standard formula of school education. We will help to fulfill the curriculum in Polish language, physical education, art classes, music. The topic of the classes is determined with the teacher and can, for example, introduce the theme of a selected performance from the WTP repertoire, a literary motif currently discussed in Polish lessons, or topics of educational lessons. We invite you to contact us by email at edukacja@pantomima.wroc.pl
Cinema in the Garden
This is a combination of pantomime, outdoor cinema, and live music. Screenings of silent film classics with live music by the best Wrocław artists take place in the unique space of the garden at the Theater's headquarters on Dębowa Alley 16.
Concerts on the Terrace
The Musical Stage at the Pantomime, located on the terrace of the historic villa on Dębowa Alley 16. Our musical guests will be artists who create music for theater performances; individuals whose musical imagination bursts through the theater walls.
The theater-dance program of the Wrocław Pantomime Theater, stemming from the idea of dance parties. It lasts 90 minutes or longer – depending on how the dance and movement take us. The dance parties at the Pantomime arise from the need to build a community in movement, closeness, and openness in dance and fun. PANTO DANCES creates a community in dance and shared theatrical fun. Dance – nobody invented it, yet everybody does it!
fot. Edyta Peas
Host by Agnieszka Charkot and Piotr Soroka: There are a plethora of topics we would like to discuss with you. From theater, through body and health, to the purpose of making theater and engaging with art.
Why, what for, and for what reason?
We don't guarantee that we'll find the answer, but we count on having fun and engaging in interesting conversations.
Podcast PANTOMIMA PORUSZA: tematy is available (in polish) on Spotify and YouTube.
PantoZIN was created from the idea of engaging the audience of our Theater in creatively addressing topics related to repertoire premieres. It is a space for artists, painters, writers, poets, graphic designers, and all those who want to creatively ZINterpret the theme of the issue. PantoZIN is published in a print run of 1,000 copies, which are distributed in Wrocław's cafes, libraries, cultural institutions, and other meeting places of Wrocław residents.
PantoZIN is also available in an electronic version. We invite you to read it!