Studio Pantomimy #7

We invite you to the seventh gathering of the Pantomime Studio, which will take place on April 20-21 under the theme PANTOMIME.

We aim to look at our technique from a broad perspective, enriching it with individual searches and original elements of the mime-actor's workshop of the WMT artistic team. The Pantomime Studio operates in monthly weekend gatherings, each under a different theme/topic.


April 20 
9:00 - 11:00 AM Slow Warm-Up - led by Krzysztof Szczepańczyk 
11:15 AM - 2:15 PM Identification - led by Anna Nabiałkowska 
3:00 - 6:00 PM Tension and Relaxation - led by Artur Borkowski

April 21 
9:00 - 11:00 AM Slow Warm-Up - led by Krzysztof Szczepańczyk 
11:15 AM - 2:15 PM Identification - led by Anna Nabiałkowska 
3:00 - 6:00 PM Tension and Relaxation - led by Artur Borkowski


time and place: April 20 and 21, 2024, WMT Rehearsal Hall, al. Dębowa 16

maximum number of participants: 15 people

pass for the entire gathering (two workshop days): 200 PLN



Attention! Limited places available.


led by Krzysztof Szczepańczyk

It's not only important that warm-up is key to proper body work and with mime technique, but also that it shouldn't be rushed, hence I invite you to the SLOW WARM-UP.

The instructor will share his experience and practice in preparing the body for movement. We will return to the roots of Wrocław's mime and develop them with a contemporary approach to movement.

We will focus on a very conscious and unhurried exploration of our bodies' capabilities, observing and analyzing their different parts. During the workshop, we'll try to make our bodies flexible, agile, and strong, while also enhancing the plasticity of movement and the power of expression.

The goal is for the meeting to be as effortless and safe as possible, therefore we will consider the individual motility of workshop participants.



led by Anna Nabiałkowska

I invite you to workshops where we will explore how to identify with an emotional state, an action, the characteristics of a chosen object, and also the characteristics of space. Participants during the exercises will have the opportunity to experience what external identification (creating space around that affects the person on stage) and internal identification (emotions and their intensity, which affect the body) are. The next step will be the conscious creation of movement that illustrates and results from a given emotion and combining the two types of identification.



led by Artur Borkowski

During the workshops, we will direct our attention to the simple distinction of tension and relaxation qualities in the body.

We will find simple implications for the meaning of what we do in simple stage tasks from the concrete and symbolic zones, so we can consciously use them as a means of scenic expression and an element organizing the rhythm and energy of the performance. During the classes, we will also consider the individual character and psycho-physical temperament and try to develop methods for the rhythms of tensions and relaxations during actor movement tasks to work in us intuitively.