"I Love Chopin" as a Guest Performance at Spaces of Art – Dance in Bytom

I love Chopin

I love Chopin, Fot. Natalia Kabanow 

The performance "I Love Chopin" by the duo Jędrzej Piaskowski / Hubert Sulima will be featured as a guest performance at the Spaces of Art – Dance in Bytom.

On September 25, 26, and 27, the Wrocław-based performance will be staged at the ROZBARK Theatre in Bytom during the Art Spaces - Dance event, which this year celebrates its tenth anniversary. This will be the first guest appearance outside of Wrocław.

"While the title of the performance created at the Wrocław Mime Theatre — 'I Love Chopin' — draws the audience's attention to the composer, it is not a stage biography. It is even difficult to unequivocally state that its theme concerns this specific artist. Indeed, references to events from Chopin's life, his character traits, or his music (which forms a significant part of the production's soundtrack) appear constantly, but the creators — director Jędrzej Piaskowski and dramaturg Hubert Sulima, who have been collaborating for a long time — are much more interested in the prominent place Chopin occupies in the pantheon of Poland's greatest figures. They critically examine the mechanisms by which outstanding and famous personalities are gradually stripped of their concrete, everyday lives and become symbolic figures," — Tomasz Kowalski Czas Kultury. 

Tickets for the guest performances of "I Love Chopin" are now on sale BUY A TICKET.